Object Of Desire feat Benedikt Renč
The Objects of Desire catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition in Hauch Gallery in Prague in 2024. The Objects of Desire by SIN feat. Benedikt Renč exhibition showed a different perspective on applied art in the interior. Sculptural artifacts in glass by Arik Levy, Jiří Černický, Krištof Kintera, Milan Knížák, Laura Limbourg, Ondrash & Kašpárek, Pasta Oner, Paulina Skavova, Richard Štipl and Rony Plesl have their own story of art and craftsmanship. The exposition was conceived as a surrealist room, bringing seemingly disparate artworks into unexpected contexts. The exhibition also featured photographer Benedikt Renč who presented his portraits photographed through glass.

Objects Of Desire
feat Benedikt Renč
Kurátor výstavy / Curator: Rony Plesl
Architekt výstavy / Exhibition design: Tomáš Kučera
Fotografie / Photos: Roman Mlejnek
Grafický design / Graphic design: Jonatan Kuna (Studio Najbrt)
Typesetting and photo editing/ Zdeněk Trinkewitz (Studio Najbrt)
Texty / Texts: Rony Plesl, Josefína Pleslová
Překlad a korektura / Translation and proofreading: Tereza Chocholová
Produkce / Production: Josefína Pleslová
Tiskárna / Printer: Helbich, a.s.
Vydavatel / Publisher: SINGALLERY s.r.o.