Objects Of Desire
The Objects of Desire exhibition shows a different perspective on applied art in the interior. The glass bowls, vases, lights, screen, and other sculptural artifacts have their own story of art and craftsmanship. The exposition is conceived as a surrealist room, bringing seemingly disparate artworks into unexpected contexts. This dreamy environment alludes to the ideas of the king of Czech Surrealism Jan Švankmajer, whose words “surrealism is the only real truth” are imprinted into the concept of the whole exhibition. The exhibition of glass objects by SIN also features photographer Benedikt Renč who presents his portraits photographed through glass. Thus he gives a finishing touch to the big cabinet of curiosities, a mysterious room where art objects turn into applied art and vice versa, and everything around is a kind of an “object of desire”…
Arik Levy, Jiří Černický, Krištof Kintera, Milan Knížák, Laura Limbourg,
Ondrash & Kašpárek, Pasta Oner, Paulina Skavova, Richard Štipl, Rony Plesl
Hauch Gallery, Prague
21.11.–20.12. 2024
Open Wednesday to Sunday from 12.00 to 6.00 pm.
Price Indication
On request