Jiří Černický
Jiří Černický (1966) is a Czech visual artist. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague where he studied at the studio of Miloš Šejn and Jiří David in 1993–1997. In 1998, he received the Jindřich Chalupecký Award and he is also holder of the Soros Prize and the 48th October Salon Award. For many years, he headed the Painting Studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague. Jiří Černický is one of the most prominent representatives of the generation that entered the art scene in the 1990s and dealt with the societal changes after the Velvet Revolution.

His work is very diverse, spanning many media and topics that often critically respond to consumer society and the modern perception of the world. In the 1990s, he became renowned for his project called “First Mass Produced Schizophrenia“ where he transformed the motif of a face from the famous painting by Edvard Munch into a motorcycle helmet. The works by Jiří Černický tell powerful stories and never leave us cold. The artist also illustrates books and creates music.
Jiří Černický / On a Knife’s Edge / Smoke / 2024

Jiří Černický / On a Knife’s Edge / Smoke / 2024

Jiří Černický / On a Knife’s Edge / Smoke / 2024
Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions
- 2023 / Reálné vize orákula, NoD, Prague
- 2023 / Dvě desetinné čárky uprostřed věty, Trafačka Gallery, Prague
- 2023 / Born in Fire, Triennale di Milano, Milano
- 2022 / Heroin Crystal, Prague City Gallery
- 2022 / Wuhan Biennale, China
- 2022 / Sebevdech, Josefa Sudek Atelier, Prague
- 2021 / Kinetická architektura, Luxfer Gakkery, Česká Skalice
- 2021 / Dharmanautica 4300 n. l. (with Pavel Pepperstein), DSC Gallery, Prague
- 2021 / Nicht-Museum zeitgemäßer Kunst Dresden, Neumarkt Dresden
- 2021 / Narušená rovnováha Revisited, Dům umění v Ústí nad Labem
- 2020 / Budoucnost sněhu, Via Art Gallery, Prague
- 2020 / Výstava českého skla, 8smička Gallery, Humpolec
Public and Private Collections
- National Gallery Prague
- Prague City Gallery
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami
- Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna
- Musee d’Art Moderne, Saint Etienne
- Richard Adam, Prague
- Pavel Kneppo, Prague
- Thomas Day Newbold, Washington
- Bert-Jan van Egteren, Amsterdam
- Santiago Eder, Amsterdam
- Kenneth L. Freed, Boston
- Habib Kheradyar, Los Angelese
- Jerry Speyer, New York